Monday, August 4, 2008

It's been a while....

I decided it was about time to post again. This past week I babysat for one of Matt's co-workers everyday for about 11 hours. It was busy, but also really fun. The first day was a little rough because I was just trying to get to know Audrey, but by the second day I was good to go. On Wednesday we went to the Gator Pool, which is a small water park on one of the bases. Audrey loved the water, unfortunately I don't have any pictures from that day. The other days consisted of walks, errands, playing, feeing, and sleeping. I took a few pictures of Audrey, so here they are:

In other news....

Matt's job is going really well. Our callings are keeping us plenty busy, but we have really enjoyed them. I am planning on substitute teaching this next year and am looking forward to being back in the classroom. I can't start subbing until September, so I need to find a job to keep me busy until then. Unfortunately this has proven to be more difficult than I had expected. I have decided to begin Matt's genealogy in my free time, I know nothing about beginning, so I am going to a class this Friday to learn more. I am excited to begin and start doing something productive and worthwhile!
Matt and I are going to see Wall-E tonight, I have only heard good things, so I am very excited. We were going to go to the movies this weekend, but the price of movie tickets doubles for the weekends. On weekdays the price for a ticket is $5, on the weekends.... $10! I couldn't believe it, so we decided to go see the movie for FHE tonight!
I think that's all the news I have for now... hopefully I will have some good news about finding a job to keep my busy over the next month!


Lauren Davison said...

She's a cutie! But 11 HOURS!? You're amazing!

Ashley Halsey said...

You're going to make such a great mom Linds! I emailed you some pics of the baby's room so you can finally see it. Only 2 more weeks to go! That's great about the geneaology. I should start spending some time on that too.

Shelly and Scott said...

Lindsay you are so good. I'm glad your keeping busy. I like the cute little baby you were watching. Enjoy this special time. Nice to check your blog from time to time. We are taking Kelly and Rachel up to school soon. They don't like me talking about it. We will miss them. We will be down to Rebecca, she starts seminary and high school this year!! Take care and talk to you soon. Love, Shelly