Sunday, July 6, 2008

Fourth of July Weekend

On Friday Matt had to go into work in the morning, but made it up by bringing home some donuts. We then got ready for the beach and headed off. We went to a beach that was about 30 minutes away, but I heard that it was much less crowded and more of a locals beach, so we decided to try it out. The drive there was very pleasant. Finding parking was a little difficult, but we ended up finding a spot and spent the afternoon at the beach. Afterwards we went out to dinner and then went over to Mount Trashmore (a park that is extremely close by) and watched the fireworks. The firework show was pretty good and the weather was really nice. The rain held off just long enough for us to get home! Overall we had a fun day. Sadly, we didn't take any pictures, I forgot my camera!

On Saturday we went to a July 5th party at a family's house in our ward. They had a spectacular view in their backyard, which backed up to a lake and had a dock. However, we had thunderstorms, so we didn't actually go outside. We had fun and then went and taught a lesson with the missionaries. This was my first time being with the missionaries as they taught someone and it was a great experience. I am excited to go again and to be able to be more involved! There was a great spirit there and it truly did strengthen my own testimony of the gospel.


Aubrey said...

Sounds like you guys had a wonderful 4th of July! I'm glad you guys found our blog. Don't you just love the blogging world?! Its such a fun way to stay in touch with great friends! I'm glad to see you guys are doing well and liking Virginia.
-Aubrey Cooper

Ashley Halsey said...

we're so happy to see you guys updated your blog! sounds like you are having a good summer. can't wait to see you at christmas!