Sunday, July 6, 2008

The Hersam's Visit

About a week after the Lindsay's family came to visit my family came to visit. Bob, Betsy and Ellen drove down on a Saturday arriving late in the evening and stayed till early Tuesday morning when they left to drive back to New Hampshire. Although it was a relatively short visit, it was nice to have them here and we were able to do some fun things. The main highlight of the visit was going to the Aquarium. At work, I (Matt) had heard about the aquarium that was here and thought we ought to check it out. The price was a bit high, but in the end we were glad we went. Some of the highlights were the stingray tank where we got to put our hands in a touch them as they swam by (they were very soft and squishy but in the center of their backs you could feel their ridged bones). We were also able to see the shark tank that had a few good sized sharks along with a lot of other smaller fish (we were kind of surprised the sharks didn't try to eat the smaller ones!). The other big attraction was the otters that were so playful and fun to watch. The last thing was a small presentation of an alligator that was 2 or 3 years old. The handler told us about him and then let us hold him and take pictures if we wanted to. Overall it was a fun experience and we were glad we went.

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