All in all subbing has been good, but I have realized some major benefits of being a full time teacher, as well as just being a substitute teacher.
Benefits of being a full-time teacher:
1. You implement the rules, procedures, etc. in the classroom
2. You are with the same students every day, so you know who to watch out for, etc.
3. You get used to the school and how everything is run.
4. You know that you have a job everyday.
Benefits of substitute teaching:
1. Once you are home, work is done! (No long hours of planning millions of lessons)
2. If the class is horrible, you never have to go back if you don't want to.
3. If you don't feel like working that day, just say no to the job.
I have had some real adventures already. Just to name one... A student has already thrown up in class... lots of fun. I was actually very proud of the way I handled it and that I didn't also throw up!
It's been fun, but I don't think that I would want to sub for years on end. It is very easy to tell who has their class "well trained" and who doesn't. It is so nice to walk into a class where students know what is expected of them and how to behave.
Well, I actually need to go and get ready for work now! Wish me luck in finding jobs for October!
Your so funny Lindsay, I love the little story of your adventures already. I know Sandi is subbing a lot and she can't image a full time teaching job right now. I think is because she is enjoying her art so much. Glad to hear you are keeping busy. Love and miss you, Shelly
Hooray! I wish you could have subbed in some of my elementary school classes. I still have nightmares about some of those teachers. Okay, so not really but some were super mean!
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