Monday, September 29, 2008

My Confessions

I was tagged, so here are my confessions...

1. I love dessert, no matter how much I eat I ALWAYS have room for dessert.

2. I blog stalk (Erin, I think we all do!)

3. There are days when I get home from teaching and feel exhausted and so I sit down and relax (for the next 3 hours). Then about 20 minutes before I know Matt is going to get home I quickly pick up the house and whip something up for dinner. He gets home and thinks I've been busily working, when in reality I have not. I think I do this because I feel bad that he works such long hours and I get home by 3:30 and have time to relax, so I want him to think I too have been busy!

4. I can not say the word "fart." My mother has ingrained into my brain that "fart" is a crude, vulgar and un-lady like word.

5. I love reality television... I don't know why, but yet I am drawn to it.

6. I have a severe weakness for french fries (although not curly fries) and donuts. I don't know why Dunkin' Donuts is so popular back east because I really don't think they're good. My favorite donuts are from little mom and pop shops out in California. Although the Provo Bakery makes a mean glaze twist donut!

7. I absolutely hate cleaning the bath tub... I would rather clean the toilet than the tub. Anyone want to do a trade off, I'll clean something for you if you'll clean my tub.

8. I do my best housework while on the phone. In order to spend a while deep cleaning my house I need to be on the phone or else I get really bored and stop before I am actually done.

9. My heart always beats faster in anticipation for Matt to get home when I hear him walking up the steps to our house... I know cheesy, but true.

10. My mouth waters just thinking about pickles... I don't know if it because I love them or because they're sour or maybe a combination of the two?

11. It took me over a year to order my wedding pictures. There were just so many to go through and choose from, it was overwhelming!

12. I still wear my retainer every night while sleeping. I didn't suffer through years of braces to just have my teeth shift!

13. I want to buy a house next to an old retired cowboy who can teach me how to take care of horses. This way I can buy one of my own and be prepared to take care of it properly and also the cowboy would be a great resource for questions!

That was a little harder than I thought it would be to complete!

I tag whoever would like to make some confessions to the blogging world!


Erin_C said...

Thats so funny, in my house we weren't allowed to say 'fart' either. My mom called it the 'f' word;-) 'Butt' was also a bad word
ha ha

Lauren Davison said...

I love reading these... :)

Ali said...

Awww the cowboy confession reminded me of our Horseback riding summer camps in PV. We were so cute in our riding get-ups!

Anonymous said...

So I think all of my confessions would be about the same (minus the one about living next door to a cowboy...or my heart fluttering when matt comes home haha) Anyways i miss you lindsay! You need to buy a webcam so i can talk to you because i get to talk to everyone else all the time!