Monday, August 25, 2008

Take Me Out to The Ball Game!

Matt's company took us to a minor league baseball game in Norfolk on Friday night. We got to meet some of his coworkers families which was fun. The Norfolk tides lost, but the game was still fun to watch. A lady sitting right in front of us won a flat screen TV... we were so close to winning! Although we didn't win any prizes we still had lots of fun. There were several booths at the game and one of them would calculate how fast you can throw and Matt and his coworkers had a throw off. Matt won by throwing 70 mph. I was so proud! Sorry I didn't take any pictures, but overall we had a fun night!


Miriam said...

We are living in King George, VA just outside of Fredericksburg. I think we are about two hours north of you. -Miriam

Erin_C said...

I'm glad you found my blog so I could find yours! It looks like things are going good for you guys, even if the whole moving out of Provo thing isn't as easy as we all plan!
Mind if I add a link to your blog on mine?