Saturday, March 7, 2009

Update #2 - A Full Time Job

I finally have a full time job!

Subbing jobs were becoming scarce and I was tired of waiting for a phone call or trying to check the computer constantly to find jobs; so I decided to just start applying for different jobs. I applied at banks and wasn't having much luck. I then decided to look at preschools.

In my search online for different preschools in the area I came across some Montessori schools. I decided to add them to my list because Matt had previously mentioned to me that I should look at Montessori schools. I started calling many preschools to see if they were hiring and called one Montessori school. The Montessori school I called wasn't hiring, but they knew of another school that was. She gave me their phone number and told me to tell them that she recommended me. I called the Montessori school and they were hiring and asked me to send them my resume.

I sent my resume over right away and she called me back to set up an interview. I was excited to at least have an interview and be able to talk with someone face to face. I went in for my interview and felt that the interview went really well, but it didn't seem that the director was too excited that I couldn't tell her for sure how long we will be in the area. She told me that she had one other interview that day and would get back to me in a week. I was really nervous and wasn't feeling very confident. But I ended up getting the job.

So far I absolutely love my job. All of the other teachers are very nice and the kids are so much fun. The school only has about 45 students enrolled and has preschool and kindergarten. For now I am with the preschool, but if we are here in September then I will be moved to the kindergarten and will be their teacher. I love going into work every day and spending time with the kids. I get to teach them one-on-one and also I get to teach Spanish to the kindergarten students for half an hour three times a week. It's fun to be able to actually use some of my Spanish and also to be in a teaching environment again. It was truly a blessing to have found this job!


Miriam said...

Congratulations on find a job! Its tough right now but great that you are doing what you love.

kcandbrookie said...

Congrats on the job. That sounds like lots of fun!

Amber said...

Congratulations on the new job. Good for you! Sounds like you'll be keeping busy with those little ones :)

Lauren Davison said...

Hooray! That sounds awesome!