My mom wrote two letters to the editor of her newspaper back in California and I thought they were really good so I asked her if I could post them on my blog. Here's the truth, please read!
As a Prop 8 supporter I find that voters are uninformed about the true consequences of redefining marriage. Opponents want us to believe that changing the traditional definition of marriage has no impact except for the same-sex couples involved. But redefining traditional marriage affects the rights of millions of Californians. The California Education Code requires that health education classes instruct children about marriage (Code 51890). Therefore, children MUST be taught there is no difference between same-sex and traditional marriage. If you don’t believe this, talk to the parents of a 5 year old in Massachusetts where same-sex marriage is legal, who had a judge rule that they did not even have the right to be notified when same-sex marriage was to be discussed in their child’s classroom or at school Religious organizations may be sued over their tax exempt status if they refuse to allow same-sex marriage ceremonies in their religious facilities that are open to the public. Sound farfetched? It’s already happened in
Who’s Touting Tolerance?
I found out personally how “tolerant” opponents of Prop 8 are when I had the whole side of my car keyed two days after attaching a “Vote Yes on Prop 8” sticker to my rear window. Another family member had her “Vote Yes on Prop 8” bumper sticker torn off. Most supporters of Prop 8 are afraid to put signs in their yards for fear of retribution. Professor Richard Peterson who appears in the first public TV ad supporting Prop 8 has received hundreds of violent and threatening e-mails. Opponents of Prop 8 accuse supporters of being narrow-minded and bigoted and it seems they are resolute in their attempts to smear supporters as being homophobic or religious fanatics. In reality, it seems the opponents of Prop 8 are among some of the most intolerant. They talk about accepting everyone, yet are unwilling to allow others the right to hold a moral view different from their own. With the help of activist judges, they are determined under penalty of law to make it illegal to disagree with them publicly. They are doing all they can to cast the same-sex marriage issue as a “civil” rather than “moral” one. Their intent is to redefine traditional morality as a form of bigotry. Under
Those are awesome letters Lindsay! I am dying here at liberal Columbia where I feel like if I open my mouth at all regarding my opinions on gay marriage I will get shot! : ) It looks like life is going well for you guys! Oh how I miss bonding over our ridiculous spanish class and getting rides home from Matt : )
Great job. I agree! Heard the blessing of Lila was awesome. Love ya, Shelly
awesome post!
vote yes on prop 8
could i post this letter on my blog?
lol yeah I started it when I moved to New York this summer to help the family keep up with my adventures : ) and the engagement happen this last Monday so you're not too out of the loop! That would be so much fun to meet up sometime. If not this year, definitely this summer after craziness in California. Fo sho!
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