Monday, June 23, 2008

Our First Guests!

Sorry this is a little late!

My parents and Kelsey came to visit mid June for about a week and we had a lot of fun. They flew in on Monday night and then we all left for D.C. the following day (except for Matt because he had to stay and work, poor guy). We were in D.C. from Tuesday to Friday. There was so much to do and we did a lot of it just in that short time.

On Tuesday we drove up to D.C. and stopped in Alexandria on the way and spent quite a bit of time at Mount Vernon. It was extremely hot and humid and we walked around for a long time. I couldn't believe how sweaty and disgusting I was when we left. Then we left and continued onto D.C. That night we "biked the sites." We rode bikes around and looked at several major sites. However, our trip was cut short by a thunderstorm that resulted in us sitting in the Jefferson Memorial for two hours waiting out the storm. Luckily before the storm hit we at least got to see the White House, the Washington Memorial, the WWII Memorial, the Roosevelt Memorial and then of course we got a very good view of the Jefferson Memorial.

On Wednesday we went to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing (where money is made) and it was pretty crazy to see huge stacks of sheets of money. We then took a tour bus type thing that takes you to all the major sites and allows you to get on an off at each stop. We first went to Arlington and saw the tomb of the unknown soldiers and also the change of guards. It was pretty neat to see how intricate it is. Our next stop was the Lincoln Memorial, then to the Korean Memorial, and Vietnam Memorial. We also visited the air and space museum, which had a lot of interesting things. You could easily spend hours there, however, we were already too tired to.

On Thursday we took a tour of the capitol. It was neat to go inside, however, I wish that I could have seen more. Our tour guide was a bit over the top, at one point a man in our tour group accidentally touched a statue with his elbow and the tour guide told him, "Sir, please do not touch, these are our national treasures!" Afterwards we were able to go and see the Senate in session which was also really neat. However, I discovered that no one actually listens to the poor person talking. Everyone was either doing something else or actually talking to other people. I had no idea that it was like that. After watching the senate we went to the Library of Congress. I believe we were very tired after this and decided to walk home and rest, however we stopped for a couple pictures in front of the White House on the way. Then later that night we went to the Lincoln Memorial to see what it looked like at night.

On Friday we went to the National Archives which was really amazing, then to the Natural History Museum, which had some neat things inside, and lastly to the International Spy Museum. This museum was very interesting and fun, however, if you ever go plan on giving yourself about three hours or more! There is so much to do, it just keeps going on and on! On our way back to Virginia Beach, we stopped and looked at the D.C. temple which truly is gorgeous, I'm excited to go back with Matt! We hit some major traffic coming home, but eventually made it. I don't have as many pictures for this day, perhaps we were all getting a little tired of pictures.

On Saturday we went to the beach and walked around the boardwalk. It was nice to be home and back with Matt after being away all week.

The next post will be about Sunday!

All in all it was a very busy trip, but also a lot of fun!

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