Sunday, June 1, 2008

Finally a boys dreams come true!

Well, we finally purchased a second car! Thanks to Jean, we never had to purchase a first car! We have had the Saturn for a little over a year now and it has been and still is a great car! However, now that we are done with school and both of us will be working, we needed a second vehicle. At first we were thinking of getting another car of some sort, but as most of you know, it has been Matt's dream to own a truck for a VERY long time. We decided that if were to buy a new second car that by the time we were ready to trade in the Saturn for a new car, it would probably be time to upgrade to a bigger car, so Matt would never get his truck because the other car would be very new still. So it made sense to get the truck now and then when we needed to upgrade to a bigger car we could trade in the Saturn. Matt has been looking at trucks diligently online, trying to find the best price. We ended up being more pressed for time to find a truck than we anticipated. Last week we went to the DMV to register our car because the registration ended in April, but we didn't want to re-register it in Utah because we were leaving in May. So we went to the DMV with all the paperwork we thought we needed and waited in line for 20 minutes. We went up to the lady and showed her our paperwork and apparently our change of address information from the post office wasn't sufficient because it only said our last name and not our full names, so we had to go back home and get a bill with both our names on it. Luckily, we had a bill for our renters and auto insurance. So we drove home, grabbed the bill, and headed back to the DMV. Luckily there wasn't a line this time and we went up to the front again, only to find out this time that we didn't have our birth certificates to get our new driver licenses. So again we headed home and headed back to the DMV for the third time. We made it through the first line again and finally got a number to wait. Our number was called after waiting for about 15 minutes and we went up to the front. The lady began doing our paperwork and then we told her that Utah had made a typo on our title and that it says "Linda" rather than Lindsay. The lady didn't act like it would be too big of a problem and asked for my birth certificate. Then she came back after talking to her manager and said that we had to get a new title from Utah that had the correct name on it. So we went home with no registration! We came home and were told by the Utah DMV that they could send us a new title in about a week. We had a big trip planned for the weekend and didn't want to drive the Saturn unregistered, so we went to a Toyota dealership. That is where we found this truck. It was a great deal! The truck is in great shape and has low mileage. After thinking about it for a day or two, we decided it was the truck for us and went in and bought it. Let's just say that Matt is very happy and excited to drive his truck all around!

1 comment:

Amber said...

Kevin would love to have a truck too...such a guy thing:) Congrats to both of you on graduating from BYU and to Matt on his new job. That's quite the move to make but it looks like you're settling in well. What a beautiful view to have from your apartment. Good luck on finding a teaching job...let me know if you ever have any questions.